Wednesday, November 25, 2009

We Have Liftoff!

We are going live today. After a solid 2 months of work, loads of glitches, wracking of the memory to make sure all the pieces of our business is accurately reflected in our new home, we are finally going live. But that doesn't mean the site is done. No way! There are still some elements to add in after we are sure of how we want them to be. The homepage is being designed but is not quite there yet but we didn't want that to prevent our debut the day before Thanksgiving as we planned. So our temporary homepage is doing the job brilliantly. I hope all of you who find your way here take the time to leave a word or two about what you think, want to see, and what you are dying to create!

And in your travels on this site, if you do happen across a snafu, do let us know. And being the writer that I am, I am also open to help such as mispellings and missing words. We want to make this as easy to use and fun to look at as possible. Just give us time. ;-)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Another Step Closer

Got our homepage under construction page live today. We've been doing a lot of work to get things just right and there is still much to do but we won't have you waiting too long. We think you'll enjoy just checking it all out. Actually, it was even interesting for us going back down memory lane, thinking about past puzzle jobs and thinking about the development of our business. This site is the culmination of all that. We know you're going to love it!